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25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Hey! My name is Fabian alias S3cur3Th1sSh1t. I'm contributing to the OffensiveSecurity tool-set to spread knowledge and techniques for Pentesters and or Red-Teams. This as well as writing blog posts for the community is done in my spare time.
I am the host of C++Weekly, co-host of CppCast and author of a few different C++ projects.
Support Joomla! - A leading Open Source Content Management System
IQEngine is a free and open-source (FOSS) web-based SDR toolkit for analyzing, processing, and sharing RF recordings. The canonical instance running at is aimed at education and helps promote the SigMF standard.
Fast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
Supporting open source graphics, 3D rendering, and data visualization with web technologies.
Help rob make user-friendly and robust interfaces to machine learning applications.
Support Meta-Secret's open-source work. We are working on giving people more freedom to manage their private information.
Evolutionary biologist turned research software developer. Please support me to build a more robust infrastructure for the future of scientific research.
Pi-hole is creating a network-wide ad blocker and tracking filter.
Our work on Emacs is paying forward to the community while proving out our products and building up our infrastructure. Positron is dedicated to open innovation. Our mission is to maximize the rate of social and technological progress.
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